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Religious Education


Religious Education


The aim of Religious Education at Rakegate Primary School is for pupils to know about and understand a range of religions and worldviews. They will express ideas and insights of their own into the significant human questions which religions address, gaining and deploying the skills needed to study religion effectively. Religious Education gives pupils the opportunity to consider some of the ‘Big Questions’ in life, the meaning of life and spirituality.


Pupils can reflect on what it means to have a faith, to develop their own spiritual knowledge and understanding and to consider the viewpoint of those with no faith connections. We help the children learn from religions as well as about religions.


Our Rakegate Vision for RE

The aims of religious education are to help our children:


  • to be inquisitive about the beliefs and practises of others, to ask questions, search for answers and stimulate debate

  • to be enthusiastic and passionate about the richness and diversity of the subject matter the study or religions and worldviews facilitates

  • to reflect upon their own experiences, feelings and beliefs and develop their own responses to life’s ‘Big Questions’

  • develop an understanding of what it means to be committed to a religious tradition

  • to appreciate the cultural differences, have respect for other’s views and celebrate the diversity in society, to combat prejudice

  • develop investigative and research skills and to enable them to make reasoned judgements about religious issues

  • to develop a sense of identity, to flourish as an individual within their community and to act as citizens in a global community.


Religious Education Curriculum


Rakegate Primary School follows the Wolverhampton Agreed Syllabus. RE is taught in blocks throughout the year in accordance with the Wolverhampton Agreed Syllabus. This is to achieve a depth in learning and to ensure progression in skills and knowledge through the year groups and key stages. The system of progression means that pupils will return to key concepts in relation to different religions throughout their time in school.


The curriculum is ambitious, and the syllabus provides for the pupils to learn rigorously and widely about the world of religion and belief that they will encounter during their lives. The skills and knowledge they develop can transfer to other areas of the curriculum.

Our teaching and learning styles in RE enable children to build on their own experiences and then to extend their knowledge and understanding of religious traditions. We use their experiences of religious festivals to develop their religious thinking. We organise visits to local places of worship and invite representatives of local religious groups to come into school and talk to the children.


Pupils’ respond to what they have learnt in a variety of exciting and engaging ways such as through poetry, art, report writing, drama, crafts, food preparation, music, speaking and listening.


Please follow the link for details of the blocks covered by each year group.


Please see the documentation below for information on religious education.


Religious Education Documents

Religious Education Units of Work

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6
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