Our School Day
Little Gaters
Children eligible for 2 year old provision are entitled to 15 hours access per week.
8.30 – 11.30am
Children of Nursery age are entitled to 15 hours access per week. The school offers two sessions as follows:
Morning Nursery - 8.30 – 11.30am
Afternoon Nursery - 12.20 – 3.20pm
We offer 30 hours if parents are entitled to the funding. For further information please contact Reception or Miss Speed on 558608.
Children accessing 30 hours Nursery provision
Monday - Thursday 8.30 - 3.25pm
Friday - 8.30 – 11.30am
Reception – Year 6
Parents should ensure their children arrive at school between 8.30 am and 8.40 am. At each gate, there is a member of staff on duty to greet your children. The school cannot be held responsible for children arriving on the school site before 8.30 am.
​School finishes at 3.30pm Monday – Thursday and 1.00pm Friday. The school is only responsible for pupils for ten minutes after the end of the afternoon session unless they are participating in an extra-curricular activity. In an emergency we would, of course, take care of a child whose parent is unable to reach school by 3.40pm, please phone or email school before 2.30 pm if you anticipate being late. (Contact by 11.30am on a Friday)
​Children in Years 5 – 6 may walk home unaccompanied provided we have received written consent.
Start of School day: 8.30am
Reception lunchtime: 11.45 – 12.25pm
Year 1 lunchtime: 11.55 – 12.35pm
Year 2 lunchtime: 12.00 – 12.40pm
Year 3 lunchtime: 12.10 – 12.50pm
Year 4 lunchtime: 12.15 – 12.55pm
Year 5 lunchtime: 12.10 – 12.50pm
Year 6 lunchtime: 12.15 – 12.55pm
End of School: Monday – Thursday 3.30pm
Friday - 1.00pm
Our normal school hours amount to 32.5 hours per week.