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Wolverhampton Information, Advice and Support Service

For special educational needs and disability.


On this page, you will find the link to Wolverhampton’s Information, Advice and Support Service where you can find details about upcoming events and activities.


They are a statutory and confidential service working with parents, carers and young people. They offer free and impartial advice and support on matters relating to a child or young person’s special needs or disability from birth to 25 years. They work with individual parents, carers and young people but also work closely with schools and services across education, health and social care to influence best practice.


Telephone: 01902 556945



There is a board in the entrance hall of our school displaying newsletters and leaflets from the service.


Voice4Parents is part of this support for parents. This is an independent forum of parents and carers, living in Wolverhampton, whose children and young people have a range of special education needs and disabilities (SEND). It is their aim to be a voice for all families living in Wolverhampton who also have children and young people with SEND aged 0 - 25. They hope to contribute real life experiences to improvements in the services delivered for children and young people with SEND and need parents and carers to join their membership and identify what’s working well and what’s not working for them in Wolverhampton.


Email: or visit our Facebook page.


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